Many horses suffer from sinus infections and repeated antibiotics treatments are not resolving the infection. An effective treatment must include ingredients which genuinely rehabilitate and repair the mucous membranes; without this there is no hope of restoring them to normal health and thus breaking the cycle of constant re-infection and inflammation.
The sinuses are six air-filled cavities within the head of the horse - the frontal, sphenopalatine and maxillary sinuses, and the dorsal, middle and ventral conchal sinuses. Premolars and molar tooth roots are also found in the simus. These cavaties also extend around (above and below) the horse’s eyes and end around the facial crest (1). Each side of the sinuses is separated by the nasal cavity and the long nasal septum, except toward the back (dorsally) of the skull, where the frontal sinuses have their own septum. The frontal sinuses communicate with the maxillary sinuses through a silver-dollar-sized opening (2).
In healthy horses, mucus produced by the lining of the sinuses flows freely through the sinuses and into the nasal passages (2).
Sign of a sinus infection include;
- Yellow mucus from nose
- Bad odour
- Pus from the nose
Dietary advice
Horses are grazing animals and should be mostly eating from the ground.
All feed should be mould and dust free, sweet smelling and stored in a clean dry area.
McDowels Program
The Sinus Sorted formulation contains 7 herbs, 4 of which have been traditionally used to nourish damaged tissue as well as assist in draining the sinuses which should help to clear infection. I am finding this situation surprisingly easy to treat using a combination of the following herbs in combination. Maritime Pine Bark given separately with a mix containing Equisetum, Elecampane, Wormwood, Fenugreek, Echinacea, Euphorbia, Yarrow, Horse Radish, Violet Leaves, and Red Clover.
The formula will need to be given for a minimum of 3 weeks and can be maintained long term if necessary.
In addition to the herbal extract mix I recommend that the herbs Rosehips, Garlic and Fenugreek also be given as feed supplements; as a herbal tea in the case of Rosehips, softened by soaking in the case of Fenugreek and fresh or extracted into molasses in the case of garlic.
(1) Sinusitis in Horses
(2) Equine Sinus Disease: A Hidden Danger