Some horses, especially in Spring and Summer, can suffer from a runny nose, snorting, sneezing and snuffling which does not involve infection.
This is more like hay fever in humans than anything else. This condition is mostly initiated by exposure to poor or dusty feed, or by fungal contaminants which leave the respiratory system overly sensitive.
Sneeze-A-GG mix contains the following herbs extracted into organic Cider Vinegar; Chamomile, Euphorbia, Fenugreek, Garlic, Horse Radish, Kelp, Maritime Pine Bark, Marshmallow, Mullein, Nettle, Raw Apple Cider Vinegar, Rosehips, Vervain, Yarrow, Dr Bach™ Flowers; Impatiens, Walnut.
This mix nourishes and settles the respiratory immune system, reducing symptoms and reducing oversensitivity.
A follow-through program for 6 to 12 weeks after symptoms have ceased and for 6 weeks prior to the next season, will often totally reverse the sensitivity permanently.