
Why we encourage feeding beet pulp to horses.. - McDowell's Herbal Treatments

The sugar beet plant is commercially grown for sugar production. The root contains a high concentration of sucrose but after processing you are left with a feed that is high in soluble fibre and is 95% sugar and starch-free...

stock sugarbeet SMLL

Two thirds of the horse's digestive system is devoted to digesting fibre through fermentation. "In terms of hindgut health specifically, beet pulp is valuable in limiting hindgut dysbiosis that can occur with diets rich in starch and other soluble carbohydrates. Dysbiosis refers to an alteration in the type and number of bacteria in the intestinal microbiome that may lead to disease"1.

A horse's diet directly effects the microbiome and so the quantities and proportions of fermentable feeds, both useful (slow-release energy), less so (nitrite a vasoconstrictor) or toxic (amines, for example). Feeding beyond a horse’s ability to digest nutrients sufficiently (diets too high in protein, starch etc. will result in microbiome disruption), causes undigested nutrients being fermented in the hindgut, changing the environment and disrupting the normal balance2.

Speedi-beet slows transit time in the GIT preventing the hind gut fermentation issues associated with rich green grasses. It can be fed out to hungry horses before grazing so they are less likely to gorge on green rich feed - they feel 'fuller' due to the fibre. This makes it the perfect carrier for McDowells herbs, tonics, supplements and feed!

Key Benefits:

  • Highly digestible fibre feed
  • It slows transit time of other feed and herbs
  • Easy to prepare - soaks in ten minutes
  • Non-heating slow-release energy
  • Low in starch and sugar
  • Suitable for laminitis, cushings and metabolic conditions
  • High water content to improve hydration
  • Prebiotic effect due to the fibre
  • Palatable and ideal for older horses or horses with poor teeth
  • Supports the gastrointestinal tract due to digestive buffers

speedi beet dry

Dry Speedi-beet

speedi beet damp

Damp Speedi-beet

Why British Horsefeed brand?

British Horsefeeds Speedi-beet is known for the quality of ingredients and the process in making its product. High quality British grown beet pulp is used and sourced from one of the world’s largest sugar beet factories: Wissington, Norfolk. At the beginning the process, the beets are seed dressed to reduce the need for insecticides and are mechanically defoliated at harvest (with no chemicals) and brought into Wissington from the local farms. They are then washed, sliced and steeped in only hot water to remove the sugar2.

Speedi-beet is less than 5% sugar, about 10% protein and 60% fibre. The fibre profile is very high and perfect for grazing animals, particularly for horses and ponies that are prone to laminitis/founder. When soaked, it expands to hold five times its weight in water, which is a huge benefit in keeping horses hydrated throughout the year. There's a high proportion of soluble fibre, mostly pectin in Speedi-Beet, which means its fibre is more easily digested than that found in forage e.g. hay. This makes it a great source of non-heating slow release energy2.

We recommend British Horsefeed brand Speedi-beet as a perfect carrier for McDowells tonics, whole food supplements and herbs. Almost all of our client's horses love the taste and it becomes a permanent staple of their diet!

(1) Beet Pulp: Energy Source for Horses October 4, 2021 By Kentucky Equine Research StaffOctober 4, 2021 By Kentucky Equine Research Staff
(2) British Horse Feeds website

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McDowell's staff Herbalists can not diagnose your disease or illness. What they can do is offer a herbal program to assist with healing, after you have had advice from your doctor or specialist. If you have unexplained pain or symptoms, seek medical advice.

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