Diarrhoea can set up a pattern of physical irritation in the gut which is self-perpetuating. Eventually causing damage to the lining of the gastrointestinal system generally and especially in the colon...
To break such a pattern requires a comprehensive approach to return the whole of the metabolic balance to normal and to reduce the over-sensitivity in the gut itself.
Treatment therefore must include provision for reducing overactivity in the liver where bile is produced, support for the nervous system that triggers peristalsis and healing for the damaged lining.
McDowells Recommendations
My herbal treatment involves two recommendations;
Digestion Support Program
Our Digestion Support Program consists of three products to support the rehabilitation of the digestive system and return to a normal balanced function. The complex herbal formations is my primary rehabilitation tonic for dogs suffering critical metabolic stress resulting from over-medication, digestive problems, liver damage, poisoning, severe trauma, major illness or surgery.
We highly recommended Dogestive to be used on a daily basis to maintain general health and support beneficial micro-flora in the gut to aid digestion. It combination contains 100% natural ingredients including plant powders and is formulated by a Master Herbalist and Veterinarian and manufactured in Australia to the highest standard. The slippery elm in Dogestive provides a protective lining to the mucosal lining of the gastrointestinal system.
IBS Support Mix
This herbal mixture supports the healing and is made up from the following ingredients; Blue Flag, Chamomile, Passion Flower, Vervain, Slippery Elm, Rhubarb, Yarrow and St Mary's Thistle with the Bach Flower Remedies Aspen, Rescue Remedy, Scleranthus and Wild Oat.
Conditioning Mix
This complex herbal mixture is my primary rehabilitation tonic for dogs suffering critical metabolic stress resulting from over-medication, digestive problems, liver damage, poisoning, severe trauma, major illness or surgery. The Conditioning Mix will dramatically speed recovery from any of the above situations and the dog will get back on its feed, beginning to recover its condition within days of starting on a course.