Bladder stones come in several mineral compositions. The most common stone types are oxalate and struvite and since the approach is completely different for each type, it is crucial to determine the stone type. Struvite stones in the dog are almost always formed because of the urinary changes that occur with specific types of bladder infection. Almost always a staphylococcal infection but occasionally a Proteus infection.
Struvite stones require an alkaline pH to form while oxalate requires an acid pH to form. In the case of struvite stones, the alkaline pH required for stone formation is caused by a bacterial infection.
Struvite crystals are not unusual in normal urine and are usually of no consequence but when they are present in very large amounts together with a Staph or Proteus bladder infection, crystals can congeal into stones.
The problem begins with urea. Urea is the waste product generated in the metabolism of protein and it is removed from the body via excretion in the urine. When urine is infected with bacteria that are able to digest urea, urea is broken down into ammonia. Ammonia is toxic to the cells of the bladder wall and its presence generates further inflammation.
The proteins released in the inflammatory reaction form a matrix which the struvite crystals use to form an actual stone.
The reaction takes place only in an alkaline pH environment which is created by the ammonia.
Some dogs with bladder stones show no symptoms of any kind and the stones are discovered incidentally but there are some symptoms that might promote a search for stones. Bloody urine, recurrent bladder infection, or straining to urinate all would raise suspicion. Occasionally stones are simply passed. Dogs with struvite stones tend to be almost all female. The breeds that appear to have an increased risk for the formation of struvite stones are the beagle, miniature schnauzer, and English cocker spaniel. In dogs, the general rule is: No infection, no bladder stone.
The herbs in my mix to treat the problem include: Uva Ursi, Rosehips, Dandelion, Echinacea, Garlic, Pellitory of the Wall and Horsetail with Bach flowers agrimony, willow, mimulus and Rescue Remedy.
Dose: 5 to 10 drops for Tiny and Small Breeds; 10 to 20 drops for Medium and Large breeds.