Skin problems in dogs and cats (and most other animals) are most effectively treated by dealing with the internal conditions which predispose a particular animal to a sensitive or unhealthy skin the first place...
Blood toxins resulting from chemicals in the diet, infection, over-sensitivity in the nervous system or other metabolic stress, will set up conditions where such impurities are deposited just under the skin which then becomes locally unhealthy, sensitive and irritated. 'Hot spots' and 'skin sores' are the result of a build-up of toxins under the skin seeking release through a local infective process.
This is one avenue that the immune system uses, to rid the body of toxins from the blood. Blood toxins will set up conditions where such impurities are deposited just under the skin which then becomes locally unhealthy, sensitive and irritated. This area becomes a focus of scratching behaviour and is also particularly attractive to insects. Often the itch is initiated by insect bites or mites and perpetuated by fungal infestation which then flourishes in an area of unhealthy and damaged skin.
Skin problems in dogs, along with hotspots and skin sores are most effectively treated with blood cleansing herbs. Blood cleansing herbs are employed to eliminate or neutralize toxins in the major organs of the body including the liver, kidneys, colon, lungs, lymph and skin.
McDowells Products
Infect-A-Clear, a blood cleansing mix, contains alterative herbs which are high in iron and sulphur to detoxify the blood. The herbs restore the proper function of the body, usually through altering metabolism by improving the tissues' ability to metabolise nutrients and eliminate wastes. Many of these herbs act through the kidneys, liver, lungs, bowels, or skin to eliminate wastes.
Blood cleansers are generally used in conditions of chronic inflammation, infection or degeneration. The Infect-A-Clear mix is essentially a blood cleanser and a support to over-sensitivity.
The mix includes; Echinacea, Garlic, Horsetail, Nettle, Pine Bark, Red Clover and Violet Leaves along with the Bach Flowers Crab Apple and Rescue Remedy.
Using the Blood Cleansing mix for the full 12 weeks of the blood cycle should clear 'Hot Spots' or 'Skin Sores' found on your dog. It is best used in conjunction with the Skin Irritant Cream or Skin Healing cream which will help protect and heal the damaged skin, once the internal conditions are addressed.