Damage to the liver or interference with its functions can have many different causes since the liver plays a major role in most metabolic processes in the body...
The liver is an organ that performs numerous functions.
Signs of liver damage
McDowells Product
Animal Botanical Liver Tonic
This complex herbal mixture is Animal Botanical's primary rehabilitation tonic for dogs suffering critical metabolic stress resulting from over-medication, digestive problems, liver damage, poisoning, severe trauma, major illness or surgery.
Animal Botanical Liver formulation may help to dramatically speed recovery from any of the above situations. Clients have reported dogs showing an improvement in appetite and beginning to recover condition within days of starting on a course of this formulation. Normally, a single 12 week program is all that is required, although some owners prefer to extend this - and can safely do so.
Animal Botanical Liver formulation contains some of the most reliable and traditionally used herbs for Liver support, Thyroid support and as digestive bitters.