I developed my Circulation Blood Quality mix to address all conditions involving low iron and oxygen levels in the blood as well well as poor circulation generally.
The herbal combination I chose for this purpose stimulates iron levels, red blood cell production in the bone marrow. It supports the spleen, the oxygen uptake in the lungs and the efficiency of venous system. The herbs included are Broom, Elecampane, Elecampane, Nettle, Red Clover, Rosehips, Rue, Sage and Yarrow.
Any case of anaemia through illness or low readings in blood tests taken from performance dogs like racing greyhounds will respond immediately to this tonic. The response will show in improved colour of the gums and in more energy.
Over the longer term, the coat will improve significantly and the Circulation/Blood Quality mix may be used as a tonic indefinitely at the recommended dose of 10 drops twice daily, with no negative indications of any sort.
I always recommend that dogs be given raw diet at least 4 days per week as in nature, it is fresh meat which is their natural source of iron.
Natural Feeding and Rearing Dogs with Healthy Bones - By Ian Billinghurst VET