This mixture of traditional anti-parasitic herbs works by toning up the wall of the gut while at the same time expelling worms. Regular use leaves the gut healthier than before and more able to manage a natural and harmless worm load.
McDowells products
The McDowells worming program utilises bitter and astringent herbs, which tone up the gut wall and expel worms, leaving the gut in better condition to manage its own parasite population. The combination of products in this program are traditionally used to make the environment unpleasant for intestinal parasites, whilst encouraging a healthy gut and microbiota population.
The mixture contains the herbs Garlic, Aloes, Cayenne, Gentian, R ue, Tansy, Thuja, Thyme and Wormwood along with the Bach Flower Crab Apple. The Worming Mix can be given at the same time as the Heartworm treatment and is given at a dose rate of 20 drops twice per day every three weeks with a maintenance dose of two 5 drop doses in one day, every 3rd or 4th day in between.