"I just wanted to write and thank you for all your help and advice that you and your team have given me for my horse, Bass, who was suffering from stomach ulcers.
As you suggested I gave him a 3 month treatment each day of Equigesta-Pre along with the Chamomile and Rosehip. Within the first few weeks he was like a different horse. He went from being dull and generally uninterested in me and his pasture buddies to the comical life and soul of the pasture.
He is now a happier and more comfortable horse and it shows in his work and general personality. In the last few months he has literally blossomed!
Although I felt certain that his ulcers must be gone due to his new happier self, I decided to take him to the vets to get scoped just to be sure!!
Much to the surprise of the vet clinic, all 4 of his ulcers are gone and his stomach lining looked in perfect health.
Thanks again, I can't tell you how different he is!!