Risk factors for menopausal concerns include:-
- Low estrogen
- Diets low in phytoestrogens-flaxseeds, peanuts, macadamias, rice bran oil promotes endorphin release
- Insulin resistence
- Anxiety, fear, tension
- Adrenal stress depletes magnesium
- Thyroid imbalance
- Low body weight
- Premature menopause
- Neurotransmitter imbalances
Dietary Suggestions:
- Increase magnesium intake - magnesium regulates body temp, vasodilation of blood vessels. Magnesium holds potassium in cells.
- Increase potassium intake - potassium increases secretion of hormones.Increase intake of sea weed, wheat bran/germ, nuts, bananas, molasses, rye brewers yeast, dark green vegetables, sunflowers and whole grains.
- Drink sage tea.
- Gain up to a pound a year for ten years. Thin women have more hot flashes and an altogether more difficult menopause than heavier women. Fat cells produce estrone, a kind of oestrogen.
- Eat more soy products