Gingko Biloba is a herb I am using more and more with patients, definitely a herb for the modern person with a high level of stress and elevated blood pressure.
It seems some members of the royal chinese court were becoming a bit senile in their golden years. As the emperor looked out of his window, a voice whispered, " the tree you are now looking at will restore the minds of your relatives and friends." Not being one to ignore voices in his head, he instructed the staff to pick some leaves and create a brew out of them. The warm tea was served to those afflicted several times a day. Within weeks, the author noted that everyone of them had regained much of their lost memories. Ironically, studies regarding Alzheimer's disease show that Ginkgo biloba shows promise in the reduction of symptoms, at least at an early stage of the disease.
It has been shown to inhibit platelet aggregation (the bunching up like a cluster of grapes) and also regulates the tone and elasticity of blood vessels. It's been shown to improve circulation to both large arteries and the smaller capillaries throughout the body.
The leaf extract is extremely effective in the treatment and prevention of strokes, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration. It is also licensed in Germany as a supplemental treatment for ailments such as asthma, transplant rejection, heart arrhythmia, heart attack, head injuries, hearing loss, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), vertigo, depression and cerebrovascular insufficiency (stemming from arteriosclerosis).