A heart murmur occurs when there is turbulence to the normal flow of blood through the chambers of the heart, and is usually due to a problem in a heart valve. When a valve is thickened or damaged and unable to close fully, some of the blood escapes around the valve.
Murmurs are usually seen in older cats but it is not uncommon to see them in a young kitties. In fact, many kittens are born with murmurs and outgrow them later in life. A lot of cats with murmurs live long healthy lives. There is a small risk that murmurs can lead to congestive heart failure.
I have a very safe and reliable herbal treatment which works directly to tune up an under functioning heart and I have used it successfully with my human patients for 20 years. Mostly these patients report an immediate improvement in angina pain and ability to exercise. It works just the same for cats and dogs.
You may test whether a murmur is a result of deterioration by using this mix and you may put your older cat on it long term if there are signs that their heart is weakening.
The mixture consists of an extract of a particular Cactus in combination with an extract of fresh Hawthorn leaves, along with the Bach Flowers Oak and Rescue Remedy. Together, these herbs work to regularise and strengthen the electric signals to the heart (the beat) and to nourish and strengthen the heart muscle itself.
When it has been established that there is some damage or degenerative heart condition beyond normal ageing, we provide a Heart Repair Formulation which is a modification of the standard Heart Tonic but also has additional specific ingredients aimed at nourishing the organ and boosting the system.