
Squamous Cell Cancer - McDowell's Herbal Treatments

Squamous cell carcinoma is a cancer of the skin. Exposure to sunlight is one trigger-factor for this cancer and it is seen more commonly in white cats, and cats kept in hot sunny countries. The tumour commonly affects the nose or the ears and can initially look like a small scratch or wound that won't heal. Spread (metastasis) of these tumours is uncommon but local lymph nodes are sometimes affected.

Squamous Cell Cancer could therefore be seen as an end result of a systemic and prolonged assault on blood and the immune sytem in general which may never have appeared without late 20th century domestication practices.

These tumors are typically squamous cell carcinomas. Results of studies undertaken into oral cancer in cats suggest that flea control products including flea collars, diet (reliance on tinned, processed foods), and perhaps environmental tobacco smoke might be associated with risk of oral SCC.  If any of these scenarios are pertinent to your cat, please remove any flea collar, reduce tinned food, increase raw mince and smoke outside.

The program consists of SCC support mix and  Maritime Pine Bark Extract.  SCC Support mixture includes concentrated extracts of: Bladderack, Elecampane, Rue, Hypericum, Nettle, Rosehips and Violet Leaves along with appropriate Bach Flower Remedies.  They assists in strengthening the immune system and supports the organs and body systems affected by the disease.  Together they have the potential to slow down and reverse the development of SCC and bring it into remission.

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We are open Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm. AEST. You can also contact us by phone or email.

02 6331 3937
+61 2 6331 3937(Int)


McDowell's staff Herbalists can not diagnose your disease or illness. What they can do is offer a herbal program to assist with healing, after you have had advice from your doctor or specialist. If you have unexplained pain or symptoms, seek medical advice.

EMAIL info@mcdowellsherbal.com  |  PHONE 02 6331 3937  |  INTERNATIONAL +61 2 6331 3937