In companion cats now I am finding an increasing tendency toward kidney and liver problems which I ascribe to the chemicals in commercial cat food. I know there are various flavour enhancers which are used which are hard on the kidneys and I am not sure about added salt as well. If your cats coat is dull and their hydration is poor (which is tested by pulling a pinch of skin and watching to see how quickly it springs back), it could be that their kidneys are struggling.
Kidney weakness shows in loss of condition and appetite, loss of interest and a certain dullness, possible intermittent vomitting, and/or thirstiness. What is really involved is the interdependent health of the adrenal glands and the kidneys.
Clinical signs of chronic renal failure are not usually apparent until three quarters of the total number of nephrons have been destroyed, so the process may continue over many years and therefore damage may be quite advanced when all becomes known.
When a cat is overly stressed this results in the adrenal glands over stimulating the kidneys. Many cat owners mistakenly believe that it is a salt balance problem.
The Animal Botanicl Kidney mix will act to completely rehabilitate the kidneys (as well as support the Liver) and it includes:- rosehips, dandelion, garlic, echinacea, astragalus, alfalfa, yarrow, wild rose, plus Mimulus, Larch, Rescue Remedy ™.
This mix will enhance kidney health and in turn allow your cat's adrenal glands to return to full potential as well as breaking the cycle of worsening health and form.
The following link is a personal story you may wish to browse Carolyne: Controlling Incontinence Naturally.
The Kidney Tonic is administered as 5 drops mixed into water or with food: two doses per day.