Some cat owners may get stressed when they see their cats outside munching on blades of grass. It is, hoever, common
Reasons why cats might might eat grass
- They use grass as a laxative to enable them to pass hairballs lodged in their intestines.
- To make them vomit up hairballs.
- They are feeling sick and this makes them vomit, getting rid of poisons.
- To relieve inflammation of their throats.
- To relieve stomach ache.
- To add roughage to their diets.
It is also the juices of the grass that cats are interested in. It is known that grasses contain folic acid, a vitamin that is vital to cats as it helps in the production of haemoglobin. For a cat to be deficient in folic acid would stunt its growth and may cause anaemia.
If your cats have no access to a garden why don't you plant them some herbs to nibble on. You can purchase catnip and chamomiole and even alfalfa sprouts , just add some water and within a few days your cats should have a lush supply to chew on.