Many cats with diagnosed Rheumatism or Arthritis are on long term anti-inflammatory drugs for pain, and most of these are at risk from the side effects of such medications...
Herbal medicine throughout the ages had a large number of herbs at its disposal to treat a wide variety of aches and pains and I have chosen a combination of very reliable remedies offering the possibility of reversing the condition altogether.
McDowells Product
Our Anti-infammatory Healer is very useful and safe in replacing, fully or partially, dependence on pharmaceutical anti-inflammatory and pain killing drugs. Once benefits are achieved through the use of this treatment the dependence on pharmecutical anti-inflammatories can be reduced.
My Anti-Inflammatory formulation contains Devils Claw, White Willow, Guiacum, Burdock, Pine Bark, Elecampane, Yarrow and Rosehips as well as the Bach Flower remedies Honeysuckle, Vine, Walnut and Rescue Remedy.