"About a year and a half ago Max was diagnosed with a heart murmur, grade 4 out of 5, meaning it was quite strong.
It was recommended that he see a canine cardiologist to have an echocardiogram done. After visiting the doctor, it was confirmed that he had a 4 out of 5 heart murmur, enlargement on the left side of his heart, but no significant heart damage at this point. I was told he did not require medication at this time, but this type of disease usually just gets progressively worse as a dog gets older and I should return in 9-12 months to see where we were.
I was very upset and thought to myself there must be something else I can do for my best friend. I began researching information on the internet and somehow by the grace of God came across McDowells Herbal treatments. I read several sites, but as soon as I found the McDowell's site, I felt intuitively that they could help Max. I emailed immediately to tell them Max's story and got the most warm and welcome reply, very quickly.
After a very thorough conversation about Max's medical history, we began a round of the heart repair tonic, after that initial treatment we began the regular heart tonic. This year I went to my regular vet and then the cardiologist for Max's annual check up. His heart murmur was graded a 3 out of 5, with no enlargement in the left side of his heart, and still no heart damage. Not only that, but all of his other blood work came back improved.
Max has had allergies his whole life, so his kidneys and liver have always been a little off, both came back better than ever this year. The vets were astounded and a little confused honestly. Max's recommendation this year, is to follow up in one year for a check up. It has been a long time since we've heard those words. Now on a daily basis Max lives a happy live, acting as though he were a puppy again, with a lot of spring in his step to enjoy his new little sister, Sara!
Max and I thank you very much :-)"