Giving birth to your child is one of the most important and memorable events of your life and you want it to be a "good" memory so it is worth preparing yourself well...
- Taking the Pre/Post Op Mix, not because you are going to have an operation but to charge up your immunity and adrenal reserves for the delivery. Start 4 weeks before and continue for the first month after delivery.
- You also need Castor Oil on hand as at the first signs of any blockage in milk ducts you can apply castor oil between feeds to clear them and prevent the development of any mastitis.
- For baby you need to have Rescue Remedy on hand and this may be given at any time, just a single drop on the lips or on the inside of the wrist is fine for any stress or trauma.
- You also need to have cold Chamomile Tea so that you can give a few drops of this again wetting baby's lips at any time as an aid to establishing a comfortable digestion very early on. No reason you shouldn’t be drinking chamomile regularly and sharing a tiny spoon with baby from day one.
Rescue Remedy and Chamomile and a Calm Mum are probably all you need to avoid colic but I do have a mix to help should it become an issue for baby.
The advice is treat yourself before during and after and relax and allow breast milk to start up and baby to become established with feeding as task No.1. If this is your first, be prepared to wait several days for it all to get going and resist a "supplement bottle" to make you feel better. It is best to wait for the natural milk than assault their digestive system with some strange product which their systems will almost certainly react against in some way or other.