You have to look at hay fever as an over-enthusiastic immune system response. In the spring it can be caused by pollens from various trees and in the summer from grasses. Occasionally it can also result from mold spores. This over-sensitivity can be triggered after an illness, accident, stress or exposure to something which left the immunity hyper-reactive.
The symptoms can range from quite mild to very debilitating affecting all mucus membranes, the nose, roof of mouth, back of throat and eyes itch either gradually or abruptly. The eyes may water, nose runs clear and coughs and headaches may occur, disposition, appetite and sleep may be affected adversely as well.
It is our auto immune system doing its thing and the only difficulty is that it is overly trigger happy. It would be fine to cough and sneeze and even to have a respiratory panic attack if the irritant were tear gas for example as the body is trying to protect itself but with hayfever it is total overreaction.
What actually happens is that the body, when exposed to allergens, is flooded with histamines and when these reach saturation point all the symptoms (up to and including asthma type ones) will occur. On an emotional level you may be interested to know that the sufferer may be emotionally congested, allergic to the season or even fearful of the cycling of the yearly calendar.
My allergy treatments work to nourish and calm down this over-reactivity and to heal any damage from the allergic reaction to tissues in the body which have been affected. It is also aimed at both speeding up the removal of histamines from the blood and rebuilding the immunity so that it may become more resilient as each hay fever episodes makes it more and more reactive. The Bach Flowers in the mix work to gradually effect the emotional state that we are consciously or unconsciously experiencing.
The herbal mix will both moderate the symptoms of this season and, with continued use over several months this summer will have long term benefits into the next season resulting in a retrained "normal" immune system.
In addition, it would be beneficial to the immune system to drink a course of Rosehips Tea which you can obtain from your local health food store, say four cups per day drunk either hot or cold. Wishing you a speedy recovery from this annoying problem.