Unfortunately at this age, it seems as if our bodies put on weight with out us even trying.
We lose muscle mass due to a change in hormone balance, and as muscle tissue is active at burning up the calories we end up with a slower metabolism.
So , the outcome is that we have to actually eat fewer overall calories to compensate as well as regular exercise.
Less carbs and fats is helpful but don't exclude the low GI carbs.
- So keep up the exercise and diet regime. (limit carbonated drinks, coffee, sugar, alcohol).
- A ground mix of millet and linseed (1 tablespoon on your cereal daily) will keep up your calcium and silica levels necessary for bone and joints.
- Regularly using sea kelp (you can buy it granulated) assists metabolism.Sprinkle it on salads, casseroles etc or eat seaweed with japanese food.
- I recommend the hormonal menopausal mix.
- Chaste berry can rebalance your estrogen and progesterone levels.