Varicose veins are enlarged, superficial veins in the legs resulting from weakness in the walls of the veins. They lose their elasticity, elongate and begin to bulge. The valves in the veins start to fail in their job and the blood can then flow in the wrong direction...
Symptoms include;
- Itchiness
- A rash over the ankles
- Burning or throbbing sensation
- Pain or discomfort in the legs
- Muscle cramps
- Swelling of the feet and ankles
- Dry or itchy skin that may look thinner over the varicose vein
In some cases varicose veins can be complicated by dermatitis or phlebitis.
Blood flow is better regulated if you walk (or better still swim) regularly. If your normal blood pressure is high it helps also at night to lie on a slant board or slightly raise the foot of the bed with bricks to take the pressure off the veins during the night. In severe cases of Varicosity and discomfort at night, you may lightly bandage your legs with cloth and soak a witch hazel herbal wash into the affected areas.
The following home remedies to help the condition and improve symptoms:
- Exercise - encourages blood circulation in the legs, helping to move along the blood in the veins. Lower impact exercises is a good place to start.
- Compression stockings - can reduce the pain and aching by helping the muscles and veins to move blood toward the heart.
- Dietary changes - increasing flavonoids and antioxidants and reducing salt and processed foods.
- Herbal remedies - we have a Varicose Vein mix to support vein health.
- Elevating the legs - keep the legs elevated at the same height as the heart will help to improve circulation.
- Massage - can help get the blood moving and the lymph stimulated too!
Emotionally the person most disposed to varicose veins is one who is stuck in a situation (work or relationship) in which you feel overburdened. Are there changes you need to make to support your own wellbeing.
Dietary changes
The bioflavanoid, rutin, is very helpful to rehabilitate damaged vein walls. Sources of this vitamin are:
- Fresh lemon juice
- Black currants
- Buckwheat flour
Adding foods that contain flavonoids may help. Foods that contains flavonoids include;
- Vegetables like onions and garlic, capsicum, spinach, and broccoli
- Citrus fruits
- Dark skin fruit like grapes, cherries and blueberries
- Cocoa (like in dark chocolate!)
McDowells Product
My internal herbal support mix to treat varicose veins is a combination of the herbs; Horsechestnut, Rue, Nettle, Yarrow and Rosehips, the Bach flowers included are Impatients, Larch, Sweet Chestnut and Chicory.
A review study suggested that horse chestnut extract, may help to reduce leg pain, heaviness, and itching in people with chronic venous insufficiency, which is a major cause of varicose veins1.
Martime Pine Bark
Once the veins are already stretched and bulging it may be too late to return them to an original condition however further deterioration can be prevented using the internal and external treatments above.
(1) Treatment of patients with venous insufficiency with fresh plant horse chestnut seed extract