The circulatory system is just like household plumbing or the sprinkler system for your garden. If there are any parts of the system where there are blockages or obstructions then there will be a pressure build-up between this blockage and the pump.
The whole of blood passes via the portal vein through the liver, which is the chemical factory in the body and where all the nutrients and waste products in the blood are discarded or converted to support life.
Some people habitually apply a muscular tension around the area of the portal vein and constrict the free flow of blood into the liver. This can cause a build-up of back pressure right through body, resulting in high blood pressure.
The reasons for this condition are almost entirely emotional and have to do with these people having emotional difficulty in accepting some circumstances in their lives.
To support the physical changes and to restore a more normal flow through portal vein, McDowell's Herbal Practice prepares a mix containing the herbs; Dandelion, St Mary's Thistle, Barberry and Agrimony. Also included in a standard mix are the Bach Flowers Agrimony,Willow and Gentian.
In conjunction with some counselling and an improved understanding by the patient as to the factors involved in this type of blood pressure, this herbal mix will help to reverse the situation and therefore reduce blood pressure.
McDowell's Herbal Practice staff Herbalists cannot diagnose your disease or illness. What they can do is offer a Herbal program, to assist with healing, after you have had advice from your doctor or specialist. If you have unexplained pain or symptoms, seek medical advice. If you wish to ask for any further information or clarifications on this product please click on the link below.