Internal or external loss of blood can create serious anaemia, dehydration, heart failure and indeed be fatal. Blood loss can occur from cancers, fistulas, hemorrhoids, parasitic infections, perforated and bleeding ulcers, bleeding fibroids and endometriosis, excessive menstrual flow, accidents and ruptured internal organs.
Symptoms with blood loss include weakness, lethargy, irritability, low blood pressure, shock and very pale or grey skin.
The herbs in this mix include Bistort, Yarrow, Nettle, Rue, Red Clover, Parsley and Alchemilla as well as the Bach Flowers Vine, Wild Rose, Olive, Oak and Rescue Remedy.
This group of strongly astringent herbs work together to seal the leaks , tone the tissues and accurately close wounds while reestablishing circulation, renewing energy, raising haemoglobin levels and blood pressure.
Robert McDowell's staff Herbalists can not diagnose your disease or illness. What they can do is offer a Herbal program, to assist with healing, after you have had advice from your doctor or specialist. If you have unexplained pain or symptoms, seek medical advice. If you wish to ask for any further information or clarifications on this product please click on the link below.
Support Treatment for Haemorrhoids