When suffering from anxiety, depression, over-reactive or feeling tight and stressed, one needs to consciously focus more on "Blissors not Stressors", and address each one of the following areas to achieve a more balanced and happy life...
Generalized Anxiety Disorder is characterized by persistent, excessive and unrealistic worry about everyday things. This worry goes on every day, possibly all day. People with an anxiety disorder feel their worrying is beyond their control and can't be turned "off." They often expect the worst, even when there is no good reason for concern.
Their excessive worrying is often about health, family, money or work. This worry is hard to control, and occurs on more days than not for at least six months. The unrelenting worry interferes with every day living and can affect all areas of life, including social, work/school and family.
Lifestyle approach
- Stress Management - yoga , breathing, meditation, get outdoors in nature!
- Exercise - Gentle daily stretches and regular movement.
- Nutrition - Eat "SLOW" foods ie seasonal, local, organic, whole. Build gut health.
- Social/ Spiritual - friends, family, beliefs and philosophies.
- Education - follow up with new and ongoing interests and become motivated in learning
If the conditions you suffer from are more serious or not alleviated by your individual efforts then maybe some of our support mixes can assist.
Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress. It helps one deal with a tense situation in the office, study harder for an exam, keep focused on an important speech. In general, it helps one cope. But when anxiety becomes an excessive, irrational dread of everyday situations, it has become a disabling disorder.
The symptoms may include:
- Recurrent and unpredictable panic attacks,
- Persistent fears
- Unrealistic worries
- Triggered by life threatening event
- Picking at self and others
- Panic attacks
- Consider life style (exercise, bathing, massage), diet, friends and family.
- Beware of alcohol, drug use including smoking, excessive sex, intake of tea and coffee
- Use relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation
- Consult a counsellor
- Use lavender oil by rubbing on temples or disfusing the oil
McDowells Product
Anxiety Mix for People
This mix contains herbs which have been traditionally used to reduce the symptoms of anxiety and help to balance the stress response. It contains Valerian, Oats, Zizyphus, Chamomile, Violet Leaves, Vervain with Bachs Agrimony, Vervain, Rock Water, Chestnut Bud, Larch.
Rhodiola is an adaptogenic stimulant the can give an activated or bright feeling in the body and mind. Rhodiola is a premier Adaptogen capable of boosting energy levels, mood, and endurance in times of increased stress or peak performance.
Anisoptera - River Damsell
A rich, warm blend to support a restful mind and feelings of calm. Utilising this blend in a vaporiser will help release environmental tension. Contains cedarwood atlas, lemon*, mandarin, lavender, bergamot, roman chamomile.