Skin tumours are common in dogs. To the best of our knowledge there are about 20 different types of skin cancers and they can be benign or malignant. The tumours can arise from either deeper or surface layers of skin or the fibrous or fatty tissues. Most benign tumours grow slowly, are well defined and do not appear to be inflamed whereas malignant ones seem to grow rapidly, ulcerate and sometimes invade adjacent tissue.
Melanomas are skin tumours occurring most commonly on the ears and noses of the dog. The tumours themselves are black and can also occur on the head. They are often benign but can be malignant. Melanomas can appear to be small on the outside but internally be large and invasive.
There are two herbal strategies for dogs with Melanoma – externally (topically) and internally.
Supporting your dog topically
Dogs are supported topically with the use of either Ointment or Spray.
In some cases it is either too awkward or too painful to spread ointment on an active cancer. In these cases we provide the same herbal concentrates for use as a Melanoma Spray. We advise owners to dilute the herbal concentrates with water or colloidal silver at a ratio of 1:10. The resultant liquid is the sprayed onto the affected area.
Supporting your dog internally.
McDowell’s Herbal dispensary staff prepares a specific Melanoma Internal Support Mix which includes concentrated extracts of; Maritime Pine Bark, Elecampane, Wormwood, Horsetail and Violet Leaves along with the Bach Flowers Crab Apple, Honeysuckle and Chestnut Bud.
This Melanoma Internal Support Mix, is given in conjunction with a powerful antioxidant extract derived from the bark of the Maritime Pine Tree, (Maritime Pine Bark Extract). Together the two support mixes have the potential to slow the growth of the cancer and boost overall health. In addition they can assist in healing localized irritation and inflammation which may have resulted from the cancer.
McDowell’s Herbal Melanoma Internal Support Mix can be used in conjunction with other alternative medicines or with orthodox medical treatments such as surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.
The important distinction between our Herbal approach and that of traditional medicine is that; here we are aiming to boost the robust health maintenance and disease fighting systems already at work in every dog, not just remove or kill cancerous cells – hoping they don’t return.
We expect noticeable change and reduced symptoms in the first four to six weeks of having your dog on our Herbal program and ask that you submit regular reports to your McDowell’s Herbal, clinical Consultant.