Maritime Pine Bark Extract is our primary immune system tonic for all Canine cancer patients. This specialist antioxidant is nearly 25 times more powerful than Vitamin C and as such clears free radicals generated at a phenomenal rate.
It is believed that the failings of the fundamental levels of the immune system are one cause (of the many causes identified in humans and their companion animals) of all cancerous processes. The standard approach to combating cancers involves using this Maritime Pine Bark Extract together with a specific cancer support formulation.
At times, in addition, we also formulate extra Herbal mixes to assist with the dogs other medical conditions and / or as indicated by their history. We think this holistic approach to cancer is (at least partly) responsible for the good outcomes reported by clients, in two decades of Herbal practice.
With cancer we normally recommend starting at double the supplement dose rate (for the first month) to give an initial boost to the free radical management in the patients body before reducing back to the supplement dose.
We expect noticeable change and reduced symptoms in the first four to six weeks of having your dog on our Herbal program and ask that you submit regular reports and (if required) ask questions of your McDowell’s Herbal, clinical Consultant.