Scabies is a contagious skin infestation by the mite Sarcoptes scabiei. It is the tiny females parasite (just 1/3 millimeter long) that burrow beneath the surface of the skin. They then tunnel and begin to lay eggs. These burrows appear as wavy linesbut can become difficult to see when inflammation develops over time. Then the eggs hatch, and the larvae work their way to the surface of the skin...
Some other common predisposing factors of scabies contraction includes:
- Overcrowding
- Immigration
- Poor hygiene
- Poor nutrition
- Homelessness
- Dementia
From the time of the first infestation, it takes about 4 to 6 weeks for symptoms to develop. The most common symptom is a skin rash with small red bumps and blisters that only affect specific areas of the body. The infection spreads easily person to person by physical contact. The mite is short lived and normal laundering destroys them.
The main symptom is intense itching, which can be worse at night. Infestations commonly occur in the webs of the fingers, wrists, elbows, armpits and around genitals and nipples. They may occur on small childrens faces. Family members all need to be treated at the same time.
McDowells Herbal treat scabies with Echinacea, Garlic, Wormwood, Nettle, Red Clover, Violet Leaves, Dandelion and Thuja as well as the Bach Flower Crab Apple. For the rash I recommend applying a mix of Hypericum Oil and Thuja along with Crab Apple in a Vitamin E based cream.
Some studies and cases are showing a good result with colloidal silver used externally.
Treat the infestation
Washing and laundary
When washing bedding, wash on the hottest setting possible. Always take advantage of sunshine and hang bed linen, pillows, blankets and all clothes out for as long as possible.
Cleaning furniture and carpet
Vaccum the entire house, including couches and then throw away the vacuum bag. Steam clean floors, curtains and hard surfaces. Hang soft furnishing outside in the sun.
Avoid scratching your Skin
Anise oil display insecticidal activity. It can be used topically to treat scabies as well as head lice. Rosemary oil can potentially stop the infestation of scabies. Rosemary oil also decreases pain and prevents the development of secondary infections. Tea tree oil fights scabies mites and parasites when applied topically. It contains terpenoids, which are antimicrobial constituents that are able to heal scabies on top of and beneath the skin.
McDowells products
McDowells has
Scabies: 7 Natural Treatments That Work Fast By Christine Ruggeri, CHHC
Scabies, 2009 Jul-Aug Hicks MI1, Elston DM.