Thrush, candidiasis (candida), vaginitis and are all an inflammation of the vaginal membranes. It is caused by different strains of candida, especially Candida albicans. Interestingly, this disease was rarely heard of before antibiotics...
The most common types of vaginitis are:
- Bacterial vaginosis, which results from a change of the normal bacteria found in your vagina to overgrowth of other organisms
- Yeast infections, which are usually caused by a naturally occurring fungus called Candida albicans
- Trichomoniasis, which is caused by a parasite and is commonly transmitted by sexual intercourse (1)
- Candida albicans is part of our normal gut flora, however when it overpowers the others it is indicative that our lactobacillus friendly flora needs some support.
It can occur in the mouth or vagina even in people with a normal immune system . For those with a weakened immune system such as those with AIDS, diabetes or even if pregnant it can be more persistent and severe, in this case it may spread through the body , in the bloodstream or heart.
In the mouth it causes painful, creamy, white, painful patches. In the vagina it causes an itchy, white and sometimes smelly discharge.
It requires a rebalancing of gut flora but taking antibiotics also damages valuable flora which are involved in your natural resistance so you can end up with all sorts of exotic infection as a result of the treatment and you can go backwards.
Contributing factors
- Prolonged use of antibiotics, corticosteroid drugs, and birth control pills, at any time in the past,
- A diet high in processed sugars which encourages candida growth, and
- Pre-existing immunosuppression caused by drug or alcohol abuse, multiple blood transfusions, debilitating illness, organ transplants, or chemotherapy.
- Low stomach acidity leading to poorly digested food and
- Improper bowel movements leading to prolonged retention of fecal matter in the colon: these conditions promote yeast overgrowth.
Symptoms of candida
The symptoms of candida and their severity vary from person to person but the main ones are:-
- Chronic fatigue, especially after eating
- Depression
- Craving for breads and sugars (yeast eats sugar)
- Extreme mood swings, feelings of rage, especially after eating sugary foods,
- Feeling "drunk" after eating a meal high in carbohydrates (candida's waste is alcohol)
- Hypoglycemia,
- Excessive mucous of the throat, nose, and lungs,
- Chronic fungal infections of the skin (jock itch, athlete's foot) or
- Vaginal/oral thrush,
- Diarrhea, anal itching,
- Short-term memory loss
- Feeling "spacy," or forgetful
- Bloating or gas after eating.
The best way to deal with Candida is therefore to starve them of their primary nutrients, to tone the gut lining to make it more able to protect itself and to aid in the repopulation of the gut with healthy flora. Also, of course, to learn to handle stresses in slightly different ways. We recommend stopping all eating between meals, stop processed and high sugar foods and drinks and to peel and swallow a single small fresh clove of garlic twice daily.
Nutritional suggestions
- Supplementation with acidophilus and bifido bacteria is essential to recolonize the intestines. While these bacteria will not kill candida, they inhibit candida's growth and, generally, clean up the bowels, making it more difficult for candida to thrive.
- A cup of chamomile tea just before or after eating will stimulate HCL production by the stomach. Chamomile will also ease any gas and/or bloating and contains potent anti-candida compounds.
- Since candida loves sugar, it must be avoided in all its forms (dextrose, sucrose, glucose, maltose, lactose, fructose). Low sugar fruits like strawberries, cherries, and papayas can be eaten in strict moderation
- Restrict the following foods for 3 month period: wheat, rye, milk, cheese, alcoholic or caffeinated beverages, potatoes, honey, mushrooms, and vinegar. All these foods promote yeast growth or can aggravate already present yeast colonies.
- Clean up the digestive system, the ultimate source of the problem.
- Drink 4-5 glasses of water per day and adequate fiber intake to avoid constipation
McDowells products
The Candida formula is designed to aid in balance of gut flora. The mix includes garlic, golden seal, liquorice, chamomile, dandelion, wormwood, PauD'arco and ginger along with the Bach Flower Remedies: Chestnut Bud, Red Chestnut and Aspen.
(1) Mayo Clinic