McDowell's Herbal Athlete's Oil is formulated specifically to increase flexibility of ligaments and the range of movement in joints. Athletes Oil also helps to reduce inflammation (after injury) and can be used to prevent injury to muscles, ligaments and joints, particularly where they are regularly subject to heavy loads.
Yoga enthusiasts, gymnasts, dancers and sports people can see improvement in their flexibility in just over 2 weeks of using the oil daily and doing their stretching and flexing exercises. People who are trying to maintain movement and flexibility into mid and older age will find that applying Robert McDowell's Herbal Athlete's Oil to affected joints becomes a part of their daily routine. Robert McDowell knows that People who work hard to achieve a flexible, strong and supple body want a preparation that helps restore and maintain elasticity – he knows because he is a healthy, flexible and hard working man in his 60s and he uses the Athletes Oil regularly.
In addition Robert recommends that you (as he does) add a tablespoon of a freshly ground Millet and Linseed mix to your breakfast cereal. These two herbs contain specific nutrients to support the health of bones and the elasticity of ligaments.
The herbs included in Robert McDowell's Athletes Oil are:- Arnica, Elecampane, Linseed Oil, White Willow, Wintergreen Oil and Rescue Remedy.
Linseed, is the critical ingredient in this mix as it lubricates joints, restores and extends flexibility and renews elasticity of tendons. The other ingredients work together to heal bruising, improve circulation and reduce inflammation as the Athlete pushes their ligaments and joints to stretch and rotate through a greater and greater ranges.