
Warts Herbal Treatment - McDowell's Herbal Treatments


Warts are a viral/ fungal infestation and they can appear on any part of the body but normally on the hands and limbs.

They are most common on young persons between the ages 11 and 16, often appearing pre puberty and disappearing post puberty.

Warts are thought to be contagious but many people do not seem to catch them from others.

The herb Thuja is specific for Warts and a simple program of topical application of the super concentrated extract of Thuja will definitely shift them if they are ready to go.

Application is one or two drops of concentrated Thuja extract on the wart and then cover it with a band-aid. This treatment is repeated twice daily. As soon as they are ready the warts rapidly disappear with this program. However they do not seem to shift even with prolonged application when they are not ready.

Treating warts is one of the most unpredictable of all treatments.

In those which this treatment does not show any signs of working within 6 weeks or so, my advice is to try again in six months with the same program and then again after a further six months.

When warts are associated with a lowered immune system we recommend an internal mix which inludes Oats, Nettle, Rue, Rosehips, Blueflag and Thuja with Bach Flowers Water Violet, Crab Apple and Wild Oats. Combined with Maritime Pine Bark which is a powerful antioxidant.

We highly recommend that Colloidal Silver is also taken as a separate internal mix.


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We are open Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm. AEST. You can also contact us by phone or email.

02 6331 3937
+61 2 6331 3937(Int)

McDowell's staff Herbalists can not diagnose your disease or illness. What they can do is offer a herbal program to assist with healing, after you have had advice from your doctor or specialist. If you have unexplained pain or symptoms, seek medical advice.

EMAIL info@mcdowellsherbal.com  |  PHONE 02 6331 3937  |  INTERNATIONAL +61 2 6331 3937