Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis and Antibiotic-Associated Colitis all effect the intestines of the bowel. Crohn's Disease is a chronic inflammation of the intestinal wall, most commonly it occurs in the lower part of the small intestine and large intestine but it can ocur in any section from the mouth to anus.
Crohn's Disease is a chronic inflammation of the intestinal wall , most commonly it occurs in the lower part of the small intestine and large intestine but it can occur in any section from the mouth to anus. It has become increasingly common in both Western and developing countries in the past few decades. Most cases start between ages 14 to 24 years. The causes are not specifically known but it is thought to be a dysfunction of the immune system, infection and diet. The symptoms are chronic diarrhea, crampy pain, fever and loss of appetite. Complications can lead to obstructions and infection, with fistulas and cracks around the anus.
Crohn's disease is also associated with certain disorders affecting other parts of the body such as gallstones, joint pain, inadequate absorption of nutrients, inflamed skin nodules and inflammation of the whites of the eyes. Crohn's disease may flare up at irregular intervals in a severe from or only mildly.
Ulcerative colitis on the other hand only effects the large intestine and may begin in the lower sections and spread higher. Again causes are not known but hereditary and an overactive immune responses may be contributing factors. Attacks may be sudden and severe producing violent diarrhea, high fever, abdominal pain with visible blood and mucus in the faeces. The risk of colon cancer is higher in people with long standing , extensive ulcerative colitis. Like Crohn's disease there are associated disorders affecting the same body parts.
Antibiotic-associated colitis results from the bacteria balance of the intestines being disturbed with disease-causing bacteria being allowed to multiply. Symptoms may only appear after the person has completed the course of antibiotics, maybe even up to 6 weeks later. Symptoms range from mild to bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain and fever.
On an emotional level you have had a "gut full" of those around you who are over exacting. You are feeling oppressed and need lots of TLC !
The treatment for these conditions involves firstly taking 1 dessertspoon of Slippery Elm Powder mixed with yoghurt, mashed banana or cold chamomile tea. Slippery Elm provides a protective lining to the mucosal lining of the gastric intestinal system and in 12 weeks will heal an irritated lining.
Secondly a herbal mixture to support the healing is made up from the following ingredients; Agrimony, Chamomile, Slippery Elm, Rhubarb, Olive, Echinacea, Marshmallow and Dandelion with the Bach Flower Remedies Impatiens, Willow, Agrimony and Wild Oat. This mix is taken at a dose rate of 20 drops three times daily in a cup of cold chamomile tea.
The treatment must be maintained initially for at least 3 months and most folk find that when they have finished with the Slippery Elm they generally benefit further from maintaining the herbal tonic as a supplement for longer, usually until their circumstances have completely changed.