
Haemorrhoids Support - McDowell's Herbal Treatments


Haemorrhoids Support Internal Mix

100 ml Blend. Dose 20 drops 3 times daily in water: $58
(At the recommended dose, this Blend will provide 6 weeks of continuous treatment)

It is true that haemorrhoids are caused by various different circumstances but underlying all these is a fragility and lack of tone of the walls of the blood vessels involved. The first thing to address therefore is to strengthen these vessels locally and generally throughout the body.

The herb Rue, which is the original source of the bioflavonoid Rutin (or Vitamin P), will address this when given internally.

I also include herbs in the internal support mix to assist in softening stools, as haemorrhoids are often caused by straining, along with others to regulate peristalsis in the bowel and assist with regular and comfortable motions.

These herbs include:- Valerian, Yarrow, Nettle, Rue, Liquorice, Elecampane, Equisetum, Horsechestnut and Saw Palmetto along with the Bach Flowers Vine and Rock Water.

Haemorrhoids Support External Mix

25 ml Blend mixed to a 10% concentration in a suitable medium as mentioned below. - $18.50

Haemorrhoids which are protruding or accessible close to the anal sphincter, may be treated in addition to the internal mix above, by applying astringent herbs either in the form of a spray application, mixed into a Vaseline or Paw Paw base or mixed into Slippery Elm Bark Powder and water to be applied through a douche.

This mix containing Rue, Yarrow and Witch Hazel as well as the Bach Flowers Vine and Rock Water may be mixed into any such medium and applied externally to give almost instant relief and healing and to assist in the long term healing of haemorrhoids.

You should contact me directly if you require any clarifications as to the best approach for your particular condition.



Have a question? Contact McDowell's Herbal Treatments

McDowell's staff Herbalists can not diagnose your disease or illness. What they can do is offer a herbal program to assist with healing, after you have had advice from your doctor or specialist. If you have unexplained pain or symptoms, seek medical advice.

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