
Detoxing for vitality and vigour! - McDowell's Herbal Treatments

Many people today see a detox as a way to lose weight. It is one avenue to support this process for many of us, however, there is more to healthy detoxification than losing weight...

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We often consider a change when we are not feeling quite right, experience more tiredness than usual, or notice a change in our motivation and mood. This shift in our vital force is a sign to enhance vitality by supporting our body to detoxify the burdens of everyday life that may be affecting our wellbeing.

Vitality is a state of continuous wellbeing and is present in all living things. Begin vital provides a positive, strong and energetic state of living. Vitality is a feeling of total wellness.

‘Vita’ means life – in physical terms vitality refers to being energetic, capable and strong – in the psychological sense, vitality refers to having meaning, purpose and positivity.

Much of our vitality is based on our energy production. Energy is a complicated thing and its not as simple as adding an extra shot into your morning coffee to keep you going. It is important to offer your body ongoing support where it needs it most and this is our ‘mitochondria’.
Our mitochondria consist of cells in our body that continuously recycle energy to support life. Our mitochondria rely on sufficient supply of nutrients from our foods to provide us with the ongoing energy supply that our body needs.

Our mitochondria is a major contributor to healthy ageing and is fundamental to human health and wellbeing. When there is dysfunction symptoms of illness begin to emerge, implicating it’s role in a person’s vitality and the need for support.

Signs of low vitality

  • Brain fog, memory decline
  • Dry, pale skin tone
  • Tiredness, fatigue
  • Low stamina, poor exercise endurance
  • Irritability, low mood, poor motivation
  • Constant illness
  • Muscle weakness

The benefits of a detox

A key function of our body to keep us vital and decrease the risk of illness and disease is our natural detoxification pathways. Our body consistently needs to break-down and eliminate substances that have entered our system either internally via the food we consume or externally via products within our environment like chemicals, pollens, pathogens and the use of skin products.

If we continually consume unhealthy foods or are constantly exposed to environmental toxins, this places pressure on our liver, kidneys and our bowels. Soon we begin to lose our luster! Our energy declines, our skin loses its elasticity and tone, we become more irritable and over-reactive, there may also be bowel habit changes, weight fluctuations, sleep disturbances, joint pain, headaches and existing illness may worsen. Helping the body to detoxify is an important initial step in the process of enhancing vitality.

Goals of a detox

  • To minimize toxin accumulation in the body
  • Support toxin neutralization and elimination
  • Optimize pH balance
  • Enhance nutrient uptake and absorption
  • Improve daily wellness and vitality

It is important to make note that reducing or removing toxins quickly and short term only assists your body for a short period of time. Therefore, the goal is to support the body consistently following an initial detox with good food and a healthy lifestyle enabling daily wellness and vitality to continue.

Vital elimination organs

Kidneys – Filter excess protein. Relies on 6-8 glasses of water daily to remain hydrated and flush out toxins.
Health Tip
Avoid having too much protein – aim for 0.8g per kg of weight daily (as a guide). Kidney filtration can become sluggish if there is excess burden of protein in the food chain and it is not broken down.

Liver – Tirelessly filters our blood, removing drugs, toxins, fats and fat-soluble waste into newly created bile on a daily basis for safe elimination from the body. This organ can become overworked and can be overloaded with toxins.
Health Tip
Reduce saturated fats by only consuming red meat 2 x per week. Avoid refined sugars and preservatives. Consume foods that strengthen the liver e.g. fresh beetroot, garlic, blueberries, liver, cruciferous vegetables. Switch chemical household and body products to chemical free options.

Bowels – Final elimination of waste products via our foods. If constipated this waste can back up and grow its own toxins and a leaking gut allows these toxins to enter the blood stream. A diet high in meat and starch can place pressure on our bowel’s elimination processes.
Health Tip
Support your microbiome with fibre and water intake. Consume 5 cups of vegetables daily, have seeds, nuts, leeks, kiwi fruit, onion, lentils, beans and chickpeas in your weekly food intake. Try to purchase from the local growers and farmer’s markets and consume mainly fresh produce.

Brain – Mind Health is linked with detoxification as the free radicals from buildup of toxins can disturb signals to the brain resulting in brain fog, poor memory and mood changes. Therefore, it is worth connecting good detoxification with mind health.
Health Tip
Consume a clean food and wholefood intake that is void of additives and preservatives, reduce your gluten load by consuming only small amounts of bread or pasta in your week. Increase green leafy vegetables rich in folate into your weekly intake, ensure protein at each meal, exercise daily.

Skin – Our largest organ that excretes waste through sweat.
Health Tip
Remain well hydrated by drinking 2 litres of filtered water and herbal teas daily. Swap chemical skin products to natural products


If you’ve been under a lot of pressure and exposed to long term stress there is a good chance your nervous system and adrenal gland is under functioning and not assisting your feelings of vitality.
Participate in yoga or other relaxation class, try breathing techniques to slow the body and mind. Exercise regularly (everyday if possible!) Moving your body frequently to help increase your energy and support stamina and a positive mind. Exercise improves blood flow, circulation, heart health, weight management and benefits detoxification.

Herbal medicine to enhance vitality

Promote toxin elimination with a range of herbal depuratives also known as blood purifiers. The medicinal herbs selected help to improve detoxification, improve digestion, enhance skin tone, aid function of the liver, gallbladder, kidney, bladder and the immune and circulatory system.

Food as Medicine

A dietary intake rich in vitamins and minerals will promote mitochondria function. The brain, heart, nerves, muscles and vital organs mentioned above all have high levels of mitochondria cells and rely on essential vitamins and minerals to produce energy and activate key enzymes in the body.
Foods high in antioxidants – all vegetables (less of the starch type e.g. potato, corn), most fruits – especially berries, mango, pomegranate.
Have a high quality protein with each meal – eggs, beans, nuts & seeds, organic meat & fish or a vegan option. 
Good fats – avocado, coconut oil, olive oil, ghee, flaxseed oil, olives.
Cut back on sugars like lollies, chocolate, cake, ice cream, soft drink, commercial juices and avoid adding more sugar to food. Swap dried fruit for fresh fruit, choose rolled oats instead of packaged cereal, try a nut butter instead of jam on your toast.

We are all exposed to toxins in everyday life, so total avoidance is not possible. However, we all can take steps towards reducing the toxic load and assisting our body to support us and live a long and healthy vital life. 

Fiona Hoptman
Herbalist & Nutritionist (ATMS 21935)
(BHSc. Western Herbal Medicine, Adv.Dip.Western Herbal Medicine, Dip.Nutrition)

Have a question? Contact McDowell's Herbal Treatments

McDowell's staff Herbalists can not diagnose your disease or illness. What they can do is offer a herbal program to assist with healing, after you have had advice from your doctor or specialist. If you have unexplained pain or symptoms, seek medical advice.

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