
Success Stories - McDowell's Herbal Treatments

For Dogs

My name is Kelly MacDougal and I wanted to share the story of my little pug Tid Bit. We adopted her and her two daughters as adults. We were told that she was about eight but when our vet saw her he s...

Dear Robert, Received the newsletter today, and was good to see the article on vaccinations. Thought you might be interested in the attached article by Professor Ron Schultz of Wisconsin University a...

June 8th 2000 Topaz Dear Robert, My Golden Retriever Topaz suffered severely from car sickness, resulting in lack of energy and lethargy. I tried numerous remedies without success. Concerned she ma...

Wow, its been two years since we started on the cushings and conditioning treatment and look at the difference. I didn't take too many photos when he looked his worst, but you can see his bald ear...

June 5th, 2000 Dear Robert, As the person responsible for getting you involved with Greyhound Dogs in the first place back in 1992 I should like to recall the story of our two dogs Billy Binjang and...

Hello Robert, I thought I must write to thank you for the support and treatment for my Faero's Mammary Gland Cancer that was diagnosed in Sept 2004. Well, Faero is doing just great for a girl who ha...

Just want to give you a report about our border collie Andrea. Andrea has never looked so well and the amazing thing is how quickly she recovered after mammary gland operation in August. It was just i...

Dear Robert, Thank you for your email and the links you provided. I am so grateful that you are getting the raw info out to the world through this amazing wonder, the Internet. And of course I am eq...

I wanted to provide you an update, since it has now been two months since our last order. Austin, the eight year old male neutered Golden Retriever with epilepsy, has been successfully weaned off Pot...

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