
Chooks - Tonic - McDowell's Herbal Treatments

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Make your chooks happy by putting a clove of garlic in their water at each full moon. A little cider vinegar in their water is also helpful.

If you have Stinging Nettle growing nearby, then pick some carefully, dry in the sun or a slow oven and crumble into feed. This stimulates egg production -they love it.

They love to be around strewing herbs to help them keep lice and other infestations at bay. Dried Wormwood, Tansy, Elecampane , Yarrow could all be put under their roosts with clean hay. Planting a herbal garden for them to scratch around as needed is another chook lovers idea, it may need protecting while getting established.

Adding an extract of Wormwood & colloidal silver to the chooks water for parasite resistance, as well in the winter months dosing them with a blood cleanser as well.
You can source the colloidal silver locally. If you had 6 chooks then add 6mls daily of colloidal silver to their water bowl.

I would dose roughly 5 drops per chook of herbal extract added to their water bowl when they go to bed.