
Ten easy ways to boost your gut health - McDowell's Herbal Treatments

So, what is your gut microbiome? Your gut microbiome is made up of trillions of bacteria, virus and yeasts that live in gastrointestinal tract. Science is now discovering that having a healthy amount of the right bacteria in your gut can add years to your life...

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Every cell in the human body is naturally equipped with all the processes it needs to remain healthy. The primary organ of health is our GUT. When our gut is balanced we function well and our digestive system, immune system and brain all connect to help us run our daily lives and feel vital and well.

A balanced microbiome is crucial to supporting our overall health status and they are needed in good levels to switch on every cellular response in our body. These good guys need to be fed the right food groups as well as be exposed to beneficial environmental and lifestyle inputs to be able to support our health.

What can you do?

1. Add prebiotic and microbiome-enhancing foods to your dietary intake each day.

Vegetables – minimum of 5 serves (1 cup = 1 serve) daily up to 6 daily is beneficial for microbiome.  Legumes, unprocessed wholegrains, leeks, banana, cooled potato, chia seeds, flaxseeds, oats, kiwi fruit, onion, shallots, asparagus, nuts, chicory root, globe artichoke, apples, carrots, barley, psyllium husks.

2. Cut out refined sugars and carbohydrates and limit artificial sweetners

Replace refined sugars with raw honey, organic maple syrup, brown rice syrup, stevia, xylitol, panela/rapadura sugar that is unrefined. Studies in animals have found artificial sweeteners to have a negative effect on the microbiome.

3. Sleep, meditate and rest

Try to get at least 7-8 hours sleep per night. Attempt to take time out to relax, breathe and be mindful or meditate for 5 or 10 minutes and allow calm. 

4. Limit alcohol

Alcohol can reduce the variety and number of different species of bacteria in our gut. Chronic alcohol intake can cause dysbiosis and is detrimental to gut and inturn, your health. 

5. Limit antibiotics and drugs

Antibiotics destroy good and bad microbes, and it can take weeks to recover, so don’t take them unless you need them.

6. Exercise regularly

Participate in exercise at least three times weekly as a minimum to oxegenate cells, stimulate blood cells and help eliminate toxins and help metabolism overall.

8. Use herbs and spices in cooking

Herbs and spices like garlic, turmeric, ginger help remove harmful bacteria in your gut, without harming the good bacteria. 

9. Spend more time outside and with your animals

Outdoors, exercise, fresh air, time with animals, friends, family and invigorate the soul, body and mind with positive influences and raising serotonin production. 95% of serotonin receptors reside within our gastrointestinal tract so that feel good hormone needs love and kindness via food and external inputs.

10. Suprise! Brush and floss your teeth regularly!

Studies have shown that bacteria from your mouth can get into your stomach and cause problems. 

(1) BBC Science Focus - 15 tips to boost your gut microbiome

Have a question? Contact McDowell's Herbal Treatments

McDowell's staff Herbalists can not diagnose your disease or illness. What they can do is offer a herbal program to assist with healing, after you have had advice from your doctor or specialist. If you have unexplained pain or symptoms, seek medical advice.

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