


In the modern racing world of syndicated horses I am always amazed how powerless the syndicate members are, and how cynical, is everyone else involved.

There are changes in the air however but the situation is a long way from being ideal for the horse or for the syndicate member.

Typically, a group of hopeful punters put up a heap of money on a prospect having very little real information on it. That prospect may have been carefully bred and raised with all the care and passion that experienced breeders can put into them, like my friend Ann Raymond in Scone for example.

It might also have been handled roughly, pumped full or hormones and chemical supplements all in the name of making it look good at the yearling sales. No consideration at all being given to the state of its nervous system, its maturity or its long term structural viability.

The punters have no way of knowing either, what the yearling's upbringing or history was and have no say on how it is handled during growing out and pre-training. They are asked to take the word of the business person selling shares in the horse, who have their own best interests firmly in mind.

The syndicate members find themselves in a business venture with a bunch of partners whom they may not know, and with almost no input into the decisions being taken. They mostly don't get to choose the trainer, or have any input into how the horse is to be prepared.

The horse is put under pressure to race as a 2yr old, the trainer is under pressure to produce an early result and no one is considering the animals long term health and prospects. As problems develop the Vet tells the trainer what treatment is required, which is often of the expensive 'quick fix' variety. The owners have no say in the matter; they just get to pay the bills.

Everything is still focused on the early result to justify all the hopes and promises and money spent along the way. Most of these horses don't make it. They are over fed, over treated and burned out in the first year of their career all in the name of keeping the punters optimistic and prepared to keep spending.

If they (the punters) seem to get a good enough run for their money, they will be prepared to put their hands in their pockets for another prospect next year, when the current one is sacked having;

"Showed signs of real promise but unfortunately broke down"

There are however, changes in the air. Syndicate members are beginning to regain power in the situation through the appointment of professional managers like my friend Angus McPhearson in Sydney.

Angus knows the breeders and keeps an eye on the trainers and the individual horses and represents the interests of the owners. He keeps an eye on the Vet bills and he uses his experience to give advice to the owners about training and health issues as they arise. He also has the financial interests of clients in mind as his first priority, rather than these being completely lost in the system.

For my own part I am providing:

  • Free advice to any owner or syndicate member on alternative medical treatments for nervous system, metabolic and physical health issues.
  • Safe, simple, inexpensive and healthy herbal preventative and early intervention programs to deal with health problems before they have gone too far, and to heal those that have.
  • Healthy managed growing out and agistment programs at my own property where your stock can be on healthy pasture and herbal supplements to ensure their maturity and viability.
  • Medical spelling programs where I take on and treat valuable prospects at the earliest signs of breaking down so that they may be rehabilitated and come back fit, sound and healthy to continue their career rather than be written off.
    Yours truly,

Robert McDowell

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