Bursitis is the inflammation of a bursa (a flat sac of synovial fluid that allows normal movement of joints and muscles and reduces friction).
This occurs at major joints such as shoulders , elbows, hips and knees. It can be caused by chronic over use, injury, gout, arthritis or infections.
Bursitis causes pain and limits movement.
As an internal treatment I recommend the following mix of Devils Claw, White Willow, Guaiacum, Equisetum, Maritime Pine Bark Extract, Rosehips and Yarrow as well as the Bach Flower Remedies Honeysuckle, Vine, Walnut and Rescue Remedy. I also recommend the Athletes Oil treatment to bring relief. Or at least obtain some linseed Oil and wintergreen oil to rub on the effected area. I find this combination very useful and safe in reducing inflammation and pain while at the same time reducing, fully or partially, dependency on pharmaceutical drugs.
Tendonitis is the inflammation of the tendon and Tenosynovitis is tendinitis accompanied by inflammation of the protective sheath that surrounds the tendon.
Tendons are the fibrous cords of tough tissue that connect muscles to bones.
Mostly it occurs in middle to older age when the tendons can become more susceptible to injury ,but it also occurs in young age when exercise is undertaken to vigorously or tasks are performed repetitively.
Those tendons that are susceptible to the problem are those of the hand, a "trigger finger" can result, the Achilles tendon and also the elbow joint.
Firstly, I recommend the athletes oil. Or at least obtain some linseed Oil and wintergreen oil to rub on the effected area.
As an internal treatment I recommend the following mix of Devils Claw, White Willow, Guaiacum, Equisetum, Maritime Pine Bark Extract, Rosehips and Yarrow as well as the Bach Flower Remedies Honeysuckle, Vine, Walnut and Rescue Remedy.
Rest, immobilization, specific exercises as well as hot or cold packs can also bring relief.
Spurs of the Heel
Spurs are growths of extra bone at the heel that are caused by excessive pulling on the heel bone by tendons or fascia. Flat footedness also can be a cause of spurs or anything where the heel cord is always contracted.
Spurs are painful as they develop especially when walking, occasionally they can go on to develop a bursitis as well.
As an internal treatment I recommend the following mix of Devils Claw, White Willow, Guaiacum, Equisetum, Maritime Pine Bark Extract, Rosehips and Yarrow as well as the Bach Flower Remedies Honeysuckle, Vine, Walnut and Rescue Remedy.
These are herbs to reduce any inflammation and the pain involved as well as reduce any abnormal growth of the bone to ensure that the bone heals correctly.