Chronic Sinus Cure and Rehabilitation with Herbal Medicine
Susan emailed Robert (September 23, 2002):
I suffer from Chronic Sinus and have ordered your Chronic Sinus treatment with herbs. Can herbs CURE sinus?
Robert replied (September 24, 2002) :
Dear Susan,
I will post your Chronic Sinus formulation out to you tomorrow and will be most interested to hear in 3 or 4 weeks as to how you are getting on with this problem.
All the best.
Susan emailed Robert (17 November 2002)
Dear Robert,
Well, I still have the Sinus problem - not really surprising as I had it for so long before I started your treatment. As you said it could take about 6 months to cure I am pleased with my current progress. Also I keep forgetting to take all three doses a day.
Most mornings I still wake with a blocked nose,and sometimes a fluid build up around the cheekbones, but the level of blockage is getting less. Massaging the cheek bone will often give relief.
The drainage, during the day, down the back of my throat has just about ceased. Sometimes the cheek bone area and eyebrow bone area can be painful, but this does not happen often.
During the evening my nose will get slightly blocked and I will have trouble clearing it, but this is getting less frequent as well. The mucus is always clear and runny - no yellow or thick discharge at all.
Thanks for your help and interest.
Robert replied (November 18, 2002)
Keep Going Susan,
The improvements you have noticed which you list below are just steps along the way to rehabilitation and you will notice these improvements continuing.
Let me know again in a month of 6 weeks more where we are up to.
Yours truly,
Robert McDowell
Susan emailed (13 May 2003)
Dear Robert,
Another update on my sinus. I am nearly free of it. Only get a little congestion first thing in morning which is cleared by blowing my nose.
I have ordered another bottle, also some Conditioning Mix & Nerve Rehabitation for my dog.