
Lyric the rescue stallion - McDowell's Herbal Treatments

We rescued Lyric from a deceased estate. He is an aged Thoroughbred Stallion with no brands so we can't find any info on him. He was in a paddock on his own and was very thin, wormy and needing alot of TLC. My partner was asked to humanly euthanise Lyric but I suggested to take our float if he was well enough to bring home. I would care for him back to health.

Lyric had been on this property all his life and hardly handled but he has this incredible beautiful nature which allowed him to trust my partner putting on a halter and leading him into the float without hesitation. When he came home he was a pleasure to handle and settled in well with new horses to meet to brighten his eyes.

I was very conscious that he needed a special diet so I consulted Cath as I have many other times before. Lyric got quite sick with scours and even though he was absolutely covered with bot eggs - drenching wasnt a option at that critical stage.

Cath suggested a diet which included Equigesta-Pre, Worm-A-Void and Conditioning Mix. Within a short period of time his condition improved and he started gaining weight. Over the weeks Lyric transformed from this shaggy looking old horse to a magnificent Stallion who is full of life and the healthiest he has been in years!!

We are just so grateful for Cath and the team at McDowell Herbs x
Cheers Colette

SS LyricbeforeSS Lyricafter

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