Penny is a 7 year old quarter horse that had a severe hormonal problem which made her very difficult in company of other horses. She would come into season whenever kept in the company of another horse; mare or gelding, paddock mate or stranger. She would become very difficult to handle and show while in season and could not be left unattended tied to the float in the company of other horses.
This trait had also been apparent in her dam and Penny's other two sisters. The hair analysis was used to try and determine the underlying problem as even after having been put in foal she did not improve. From the results consulation, a specific prescription was made up for Penny with herbs to assist the areas that came up in her reading as needing support.
After several weeks on this prescription we had not noticed any major changes to her behaviour so we combined this with our nervous episode prescription and made good headway. Penny had calmed considerably when out and was much easier to handle.
By the second week some major behavioural changes had taken place and Penny was becoming the well balanced young mare her owner had enjoyed as a youngster as detailed in her letter below....
Dear McDowells,
Wow! What a different horse I've got, especially over this last week. We could notice the change in her, not so much the first week on the new drops but in the second week the shying was getting less and less until the beginning of the third week, where she was working relaxed and no gremlins were going to get her. We were able to work her in the paddock where four weeks ago she would take off if taken to close to the fence or trees, or if a car or truck went past.
I can safely tie her up and go to get her gear to saddle her up. I can now put her in a different paddock each day without her spooking about the change.
Thanks very much, as we now have the old Penny back, just like when she was a three year old and took out a lot of awards and an Australian Quarter Horse champion.
Lynette Steers