
Pandora - 6 months to 16 months on Lymphosarcoma Mix - McDowell's Herbal Treatments

Pandora's Fight with Lymphosarcoma1st March, 2005

Dear Robert and team

Eight years ago, I brought home a little black and white boxer cross puppy. I named her Pandora, but as good ol' Aussie tradition dictates, her name was shortened to Panda within days. I had lost my mother not long before and my sister recommended a dog to help me through the grief. She has turned out to be the most wonderful companion anyone could ask for. She is, of course, spoilt rotten. She loves having cuddles and if I sat on the lounge all day, she would sit there with me, leaning against me so I could scratch her belly, which she seems to think is as much a treat for me as it is for her (and she would be right in that assumption).

A couple of years ago I noticed a lump on one of her back legs and she underwent surgery to remove, what turned out to be, a Marcel tumour. Our vet was pretty confidant he got it all, but I had to keep a close eye on her for other lumps. A year later she developed another lump, this time in her other back leg. This was a swollen lymph node and with her history it was decided it was best to biopsy this. It turned out that she had now developed lymphosarcoma. I was told that she probably would only live another four to six months, possibly twelve with chemotherapy.

For a few days I was devastated and just cried and felt sorry for Panda and myself, but then I decided to take action. I couldn't bring myself to put her through the chemo, so I thought researching the disease was my best bet and got on the internet looking for a miracle.

Well, it seems I found one!

I found your website, read all about your lymphosarcoma treatment for dogs and emailed you for further information. The advice I got gave me new hope and advised me what products would best help Panda. I sent away for the Maritime Pine Bark and Lymphoma Cancer Support drops, put Pandora on a strict diet of raw bones, rice and vegetables and started to think positively.

It has been sixteen months now and even though her lymph nodes are large, she is still fit, healthy and full of life. She lost weight on the diet, which helped her arthritis and gave her more energy. She now snacks on raw carrots and broccoli instead of processed dog snacks. In the summer I freeze the carrots and she loves to munch on them.

When I started her on the treatment, my hopes were that she would live at least as long as she would have if I had taken her for chemotherapy, so needless to say that we are thrilled with the outcome. Each time I take her to the Vet for a check-up, they are amazed at her progress.

I honestly can't thank you enough for your wonderful products and support. Every extra day I have with her is priceless and it's all because of you and your team.

Many thanks

Paula Nielsen

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