
A Tumor Doesn't Stop Allie - McDowell's Herbal Treatments

Tumour Doesn't Stop AllieAllie is our Blue cattle dog bitch, now 9 years old. We have 50 acres of lucerne which we grow to make hay. We also run about 25 cows and calves. Allie is a working cattle dog, very active and very good watch dog.

I first noticed a small blood blister type lesion on her tongue. Initially we didn't notice any bleeding from it, and when Allie got sick in the first instance (August 2005) she was diagnosed with rat bait poisoning, which we had been through 12 months earlier. My husband and I were sure it was not, as we had been so careful since then, but our vet (whom I have a lot of respect for and is an extremely good small animal vet), was sure it was.

Allie did not respond as expected. Over a period of 3 weeks, she had 3 blood transfusions and all sorts of treatments. My vet kept looking at the thing on her tongue, but we could not do anything with it until Allie stabilized, and she just wouldn't get strong enough. We finally realised that even though we could only see a little blood coming out of her mouth, most of it was being swallowed, and this continual bleeding was causing the anaemia.

My vet suggested a specialist clinic in Sydney. The first trip was a biopsy, cauterise and stitch. The result was devastating, the prognosis not much better.

We decided to remove the tumor and then see how she went.

Allie was operated on on 8th September 2005 and home by 11th September. She was absolutely terrified in hospital, and only became quiet when I was with her. I stayed at the clinic in a consult room with her for as many hours as the clinic was open. They were excellent.

The Sydney vet gave her a life expectancy of 6 to 9 months - double with chemo. He recommended chemo, a number of treatments, could be done by the local vet, or trips to Sydney. On at least one occasion she would need hospitalization because she would be so dehydrated.


So I thought..... let's get the system fighting the disease.

I went to google and entered "holistic treatment of cancers in canines" and Robert McDowell's website was top of the list.
I started Allie on her fresh food diet and the recommended herbals as soon as they arrived - and as they say, the rest is history.

The vet said 6 to 9 months, and we are past that point now. For however long we have her, I will never regret doing what we have done. Allie is happy, full of fun and energy and enjoying her life, which she wouldn't have been had she been on chemo. She is riding in the ute, working the cattle and being the first class little watch dog that she has always been. Let's see how she goes.

I am convinced her change of diet and the herbal help has been the cause of her improved and continued health.

Thank you Robert and the team.
July 2006.

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