
Ruff's Story - Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma - McDowell's Herbal Treatments

Ruffs Oral Squamous CellIn December 2005 my dog Ruff (then a ten year old Kelpie/Border Collie/ GSD cross) developed a lump on his gum. Thinking that it was a tooth abscess, I booked him in to the local vet, expecting that he would need to have a tooth removed. The vet didn't like the appearance of the lump and took a biopsy. I had a few days of anxious waiting before hearing the diagnosis - Oral Squamous Cell Cancer.

I was told that this type of cancer doesn't respond well to chemo or radiotherapy and that the only treatment was radical surgery. Searching the internet I found Robert's website and ordered the Herbal Canine Maritime Pine Bark and Squamous Cell Carcinoma Support treatments. I also joined the Yahoo CanineCancer discussion list and received incredible support from a number of people, including those whose dogs had also been diagnosed with this type of cancer ( and one woman who had had a similar operation herself.)

I decided to go ahead with the surgery at the Werribee Veterinary Hospital. In early January 2006 Ruff underwent a caudal maxillectomy, which removed all of the upper teeth on one side of his mouth, much of the gum and cheekbone and the bone from the roof of his mouth. Ruff has always been a very fit and athletic dog and he came through the surgery extremely well and healed quickly. I was lucky that I had holidays at this time and was able to stay home and look after him. Soon after this I received the news that the tissue removed in the operation showed clean margins.

Since then I have continued to used Robert's herbal treatments. I have changed Ruff's diet to one low in carbohydrates and high in proteins and fats. I feed him raw meat, including organ meat once each week, eggs, yoghurt, cottage cheese, tinned sardines, fish oil tablets, glucosamine, and the occasional grated zucchini. With only skin covering the roof of his mouth, he is no longer able to eat bones. He has also had acupuncture and craniosacral treatments to help with healing after his surgery.

While unfortunately there is not as yet any treatment which will cure cancer, I think we can do a lot to help healthy cells stay that way through diet and treatments. Ruff has continued to have regular three monthly checkups at Werribee and has received the all clear each time. At his most recent checkup, sixteen months after the original diagnosis, the vet told me "We have been very lucky with this dog." I have to agree.


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