Approximately two years ago, my male Shetland Sheepdog, Dylan, developed what was diagnosed as Discoid Lupus Erythmetosis (DLE), also known as Collie Nose. He was four-years-old. Although DLE usually appears at the top of the nose, he had it on the front of his nose, sides of his muzzle and on his chin. The front of his nose became smooth and turned a grey/pink color. He lost a lot of hair on the sides of his muzzle and his chin, and the skin was red and irritated.
My vet took a biopsy, which returned inconclusive for DLE, but the vet said that this is common, so he proceeded to treat him with antibiotics for three months and a topical steroid. It is felt that DLE is exacerbated by sunshine, so I put sunblock on the bad spots, but he licked most of it off.
This treatment made some improvement, but the condition was very persistent, so after about six months, I took him to the University of California at Davis Small Animal Veterinary Clinic. The vets there agreed that it must be DLE and continued the antibiotic, but added a topical antibiotic. This treatment, too, made some improvement, but none of the symptoms got very much better or went away.
Then, I turned to Herbal Treatments. I found the Collie Nose treatment on the web site and received the Special Maritime Pine Bark formula with licorice, plus the Collie Nose Conditioning treatment. It took a few weeks, but Dylan started to improve and I was so happy. After six or so months, the skin isn't red anymore, the hair has grown back, the front of his nose is black again and the texture is more pebble-like. My vet says you'd never know he had experienced DLE.
Thank you so much, Herbal Treatments.
Mill Valley, CA