
Nervous Belgian Shepherd - McDowell's Herbal Treatments

My four-year-old Belgian Shepherd has always been anxious. She has recently started reacting to the slightest sound outside, leaping up and barking hysterically and unable to calm.

What was worse is that every time she'd bark, she'd start off my other dog, and they'd keep each other going endlessly!

All the counter-conditioning training and tricks were getting me nowhere on their own.

Within a week of being on Relax, she no longer responds to every noise outside - some she sleeps through, others she registers but decides she doesn't need to deal with.

She is still fearful of thunder and noises that are too loud will still rouse her, but mostly it's a much calmer and peaceful household, and I have more chance to get on with the training now that she's generally able to manage far better.

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02 6331 3937
+61 2 6331 3937(Int)

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