Pearly our Lhasa Apso had a Mast cell cancer tumour removed when she was 13 ½ years old. Unfortunately it returned again 2 months later. At the same time some abnormal blood tests lead to a subsequent diagnosis of a ‘sludgy’ gall bladder. This meant a change of diet (strictly no fat) and medication to attempt to clear this up before the last resort of surgery to remove the gall bladder. I started Pearly on the Mast Cell Cancer Support and Maritime Pine Bark on 23rd July 2011. 2 ½ months later when we went back for a follow up ultrasound to check on the gall bladder the vet was astounded to find that the mast cell cancer regrowth had completely vanished. Since that time Pearly has been on reduced doses of the Mast Cell Cancer Support and even off it for short periods of time. At the first sign of any suspicious growth I have her back on it and at this stage I think we will just keep her on it.
After the wonderful results with the Mast Cell Cancer program, Kate also prescribed a Special Liver and Gall Bladder mix for Pearly to try and assist the clearing up of the sludgy gall bladder. I gave that to Pearly along with changes to her diet, metamucil, fish oil and Vitamin B3 prescribed by the vet. Kate also suggested Dandelion tea for Pearly which she loves and is now a standard component of her daily diet. One year after the initial diagnosis Pearly’s blood test results and gall bladder were virtually back to normal. Another round of surgery was avoided.
Now over 2 years later we have just celebrated Pearly’s 16th birthday, a milestone I do not think she would have reached without the amazing help from the Mast Cell Cancer Support Program. Pearly seems to be healthier than she has ever been and apart from the fact that she has limited hearing she is still very much enjoying life.