Adrenal exhaustion is very much a condition where the emotional and nervous system strength of an inividual has been stretched as far as it can be. Anxiety and fear play a large part in depleting these resources...
Today we hear more and more about burn out, it is an increasingly common and very distressing stressful situation. It is particularly common in people who are intelligent, sensitive and undertake very caring or nurturing work! Burn-out can also be a reflection of leading a too constricted life - not balancing our reponsibilites and work with nurturing relationships, play and relaxation.
Gradually over time work pressures, family problems and day to day dramas and life in general are allowed to feature large in the sufferer and not enough time is taken to nourish the self on a regular basis and have a "holiday" from all that is going on.
We all try to live up to the expectation that others have of us to remain busy, full of vitality, active and healthy, pursuing our lives which, are often centred on family or helping and caring for those less capable than ourselves.
This is just not possible, we all need some time out to just be and take stock of where life is up to and resolve all the issues internally.
If we do not take heed of the smaller messages or continually push out of sight the stress and shock in life then one day our "achilles heel" will be attacked and our body will say:
"I have had enough, I have supported you through thick and thin and I have set aside my needs for nourishment, loving, grieving, resolution, relaxation and all the rest, and I am now going to collapse to bring this matter to your attention".
Chronic Fatigue is upon you.
Before this happens take heed of the warning signs:
- Feeling stressed out or overwhelmed.
- Depressed.
- Avoiding anxiety provoking situations.
- Losing sleep.
- Phobias come and go.
- Panic and fear interfeer more and more with normal life.
- Feel like giving up.
McDowells Products
Adrenal fatigue and nervous exhaustion mix
Our mix for adrenal and nervous exhaustion contains the herbs wild lettuce, scullcap, oats, sarsparilla, liquorice, oats, rosehips and dandelion along with sweet chestnut, wild oat, walnut and aspen Bach flowers.
Cordyceps militaris is an ideal adaptogen to help with fatigue, adrenal support, exhaustion, libido enhancement, stamina, endurance and increased athleticism.