
All three horses benefit from this product - McDowell's Herbal Treatments


I have three horses with different issues that have all benefited from this product. Firstly, an ISH mare who fractured her pelvis as a foal. She has been a good riding mare for many years although she has never tracked straight because of her past injury. She is now 24 and has arthritis and general stiffness. She has been on Pentosan for a couple of years with no real improvement. I now have her on Alleviate Compete, Tendon and Bone Mix and Tendon and Bone Activator. The difference is very noticeable, she is much more free moving and comfortable. Secondly, a 16yo ISH mare who has had intermittent lameness in her near fore for the past five years. Pentosan treatment also yielded little improvement and despite X-rays no obvious cause for the lameness has been found. Since being on the same regime as the older mare mentioned above, I have seen a huge improvement, in fact today she was trotting about with no sign of lameness. I am reserving judgement on her improvement as in the past rest and bute have given some short term improvement, but I am optimistic and like the fact that the herbal combinations are not going to damage her kidneys. Thirdly, a 10 year old Connemara with Annular ligament fibrosis. He is rarely lame but has a stiff action in front. He is on the Tendon and Bone Activator and the Tendon and Bone Mix and he is now more forward when ridden and there is a great improvement in his movement.

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